From raw materials to battery cells

Now that the raw materials have been extracted, what comes next? The supply chain continues as the raw materials are transported around the globe to locations for further purification, refinement, and chemical modification. Then, the cells are manufactured.

Below, explore the process of lithium-ion pouch cell production and the safety risks that manufacturers are on the lookout for.

Batteries and cells: what’s the difference?


Lithium-ion batteries consist of single or multiple lithium-ion cells along with a protective circuit board. They are referred to as “batteries” only when the cells — or cell — are installed inside a device with the protective circuit board.

There are many shapes (or “formats”) of lithium-ion cells and batteries for many types of products.

Remember, a battery is defined as one or more cells in an electrical circuit.

A mobile phone is often powered by a pouch cell, which helps make the slim shape of the phone possible and reduces the battery’s weight. The process of manufacturing a mobile phone pouch cell battery is closely controlled and monitored. Let’s take a look.

Let’s take a look.

The manufacturing process is complete!

All cells must undergo a charge-cycling procedure. During the first instance a battery cell is charged and discharged, Li+ ions forge tiny pathways in the solidified paste of the electrode layers.

This process “trains” the cells to charge and discharge later on.

The next step is to test for safety and performance: Was the pouch cell manufactured without any defects, is it safe to transport, and is it safe to use?

Lithium-ion Cell Manufacturing

Most pouch cell batteries are produced in manufacturing locations in China, South Korea, and Japan.

What are the risks?

Lithium-ion technology is generally safe when quality battery manufacturers take exhaustive steps to minimize design flaws, vet material suppliers and control quality of production.

To prevent damage and ensuing fires or explosions, manufacturers take special precautions and follow exact procedures.
